
Maserati GranCabrio 4.7L Turbo Petrol Automatic

Maserati GranCabrio 4.7L Turbo Petrol Automatic price, engine specifications, variants, features & more. Get latest videos & reviews on GranCabrio Turbo Petrol Turbo Automatic powertrain.

Maserati GranCabrio 4.7L Turbo Petrol Automatic have 2 variants:
Maserati GranCabrio

GranCabrio 4.7L Turbo Petrol Automatic Engine Specs

  • Engine Displacement 4691 cc
    Cylinders 8
    Max Power 456PS @ 7000rpm
    Max Torque 510Nm @ 4750rpm
    Transmission 6-speed DCT
    Kerb Weight 1980Kg
    Power:Weight 230.30PS/tonne
    Torque:Weight 257.58Nm/tonne

GranCabrio 4.7L Turbo Petrol Automatic Mileage

  • Claimed FE 6.89kmpl
    Real World Mileage -

Dimensions of Maserati GranCabrio

Maserati GranCabrio 4.7l turbo petrol automatic is 4882mm long, 2056mm wide and 1353mm tall and has a wheelbase of 2942mm. GranCabrio has a boot space of 173 litres and110mm of ground clearance.

Dimensions in mm in cm in inches in feet
Length 4882 488.2 192.20 16.01
Width 2056 205.6 80.94 6.74
Height 1353 135.3 53.27 4.44
Wheelbase 2942 294.2 115.83 9.65

The Maserati GranCabrio has a boot space of 173 litres. A longer boot allows you to carry more luggage. Fuel tank of the 2020 GranCabrio was 75 litres. 2020 Maserati GranCabrio ground clearance was 110mm.

Boot Space 173L
Ground Clearance 110mm
Fuel Tank 75L

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₹2.68 Cr*

*Last Recorded Ex-showroom


Maserati GranCabrio has been discontinued and the car is out of production
Body Type
6.89 kmpl
4691 cc
Turbo Petrol
Fuel Type
4 Seater
Seat Capacity
Maserati GranCabrio Competitors
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